We at Skawen are thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the Kerstmarkt, organized by BNI Foundation Belgium.
Töötajate tootlikkus 8%
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is crucial for the well-being of individuals indoors.
Skaweni aastapäeva tähtsündmused
Skawen's 5th anniversary was marked by a memorable 3-day event, showcasing our journey, innovations, and vision for the future
Nutikas algoritm muudab mängu
Skawen's smart algorithm enhances energy efficiency, precision, and competitive pricing in air handling, featuring dual sensors and water content calculation
Kes on meie Skaweni kaubamärgi taga?
Arvo Juhkov leads Skawen's marketing, blending creativity with tech, driving brand growth and industry innovation.
Kas teie heaolu on ohus?
Improving indoor air quality boosts employee productivity by 8%, highlighting the importance of air purifiers for a healthier workplace
Aju meie prop-tech lahenduste taga
Today We Want to Introduce You to Rainer Paat, the Brain behind Our Prop-Tech Solutions!
Skaweni jätkusuutlik lahendus
Skawen promotes sustainability by investing in energy-efficient HVAC systems, reducing carbon emissions, and saving customers money.
Liituge Skaweniga Esseni energia- ja veemessil E-World
We have made it to the E-world energy & water fair in Essen, Germany, and will be here until Thursday!
E-maailma energia- ja veemess Essenis, Saksamaal
We are happy to announce that we will be attending the e-world energy & water fair in Essen, Germany from May 23rd to 25th.
Tutvuge Skaweni tarneahela juhi Taavi Londiga
Get to know Taavi Lond, Skawen's Supply Chain Manager, and learn about his experience, challenges, and wins during his 3 fantastic years at Skawen