Entfeuchtungsanlage für die Schwimmbadrenovierung in Saku, EstlandRenovation project where the existing unit was to be removed and a new unit with a heat pump and pool water recovery was to be installed by using normal doors. Project type: Renovation. Ventilation: Dehumidification. Country: Estonia. Town: Saku Number of units: 1 Airvolume: 10.000 m3/h. Serie: SKW10 PoolHP. Build art: In ventilation chamberNächste
Hollaner Gebäudelüftungsgerät, LuxemburgSale and installation of a unit for the construction of a building in Wickrange, Luxembourg: We installed an SKW5.3 for the ventilation of the building, we needed the constant pressure to pulse the air at 22 °C. Air Volume: 7.840 m³. Serie: SKW5.3