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Sportbad Neckarpark – Modernste Belüftung für öffentliche Schwimmbadanlage, Deutschland

The Neckarpark sports pool is anew construction of a competition swimming hall in the heart of Stuttgart's city centre, which is scheduled to open in 2022. We supplied 5 units of various sizes. Of these, two are swimming pool dehumidification units with integrated heat pumps, one is a ventilation unit for the changing rooms and one is a unit for the foyer and ancillary rooms. These units are all equipped with supply air filters. The last and smallest unit is used to ventilate the technical room. Number of units: 5. Total air volume: 74.200 m³. Biggest single air : 26.000 m³. Smallest single air: 3.200 m³. Series/ Line: SKW7.5 Pool HP, SKW6.3, SKW3.2

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