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Spezielle Klimakammer zum Testen von Wandsegmenten an der Taltech-Universität in Tallinn, Estland

Taltech University tests the behaviour of different wall segments under simulated outdoor climate conditions (-30 to 50°C) and a simulated indoor living climate (18-22°C with 20-30% RelH). The solution to this task consists of two identical units. These are stacked one on top of the other inside a chamber to circulate the air one after the other. Frozen (-40°C) polyethylene is produced for the reserve tank. The cooling coils in the two units circulate the air, and by monitoring the freezing level of the coils, the units are switched to defrost one after the other. The room is heated up to 50 °C with an electric heating coil. The customer can set different modes, steps, speeds, and positions smoothly over the webinterface or on the 21” display on the control panel. Number of units: 1. Air volume: 5 000 m³/h. Largest air volume: 2.500 m³/h. Smallest air volume: 2.500 m³/h. Serie: SKW Special. Build art: Special unit room in room

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