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Meet Taavi Lond, Skawen’s Supply Chain Manager

Today we want to introduce you to our Supply Chain Manager at Skawen, Taavi Lond.

Q: How long have you been with Skawen, and in what capacity?
A: I’ve been a Supply Chain Manager at Skawen for 3 fantastic years!

Q: What do you appreciate most about your colleagues?
A: I love that they’re all experts in their fields and that we’ve built a tight-knit, supportive #team that genuinely cares for one another.

Q: What aspects of Skawen’s work environment and the industry excite you?
A: Our open-minded, empowering #culture encourages everyone to share their ideas, and our employees are highly valued. As a young company, we’ve assembled a team of top specialists, and I believe our supportive environment is the key to our success.

Q: What are some significant lessons or challenges you’ve encountered at Skawen?
A: Having no prior experience in #ventilation, learning about our units and the industry has been a massive lesson. The biggest challenge has been implementing our ERP system, but we’re now using it daily and continuing to improve it.

Q: What’s been your most significant win at Skawen?
A: Our growing importance in the market is being recognized by suppliers, leading to better lead times, terms, and support.

Q: Do you have any predictions for the #HVAC industry’s future?
A: I think we’re on the right track using more composite materials for lighter, corrosion-resistant units with better sound insulation. Our focus on even greater efficiency for our customers aligns with the industry’s future direction.

Q: What do you do outside of work?
A: People at Skawen know I’m an avid cyclist and swimmer. What they don’t know is that I’m a car enthusiast and a music lover – I do almost everything with music!

Taavi brings a lot of passion and expertise to our team. We’re grateful for his contributions and excited to introduce you to our other colleagues!


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