Annual General Meeting of Skawen Holding AB (publ)
The shareholders of Skawen Holding AB (publ), org. no. 559163-8787 (“Skawen”), are hereby summoned to the annual general meeting at Katalysen’s premises at Birger Jarlsgatan 22 in Stockholm, on Monday, June 17, 2024, at 4:00 PM. The notice has been given through advertisement in the Post and Inrikes Tidningar (Official Swedish Gazette) and by making the notice available on the company’s website ( in the news section.
Shareholders who request it and provide their postal address will receive the notice free of charge. Such requests can be made to the company at the address below.
Right to participate and registration: Shareholders who wish to attend the annual general meeting must be recorded in the share register on Friday, June 10, 2024. To facilitate registration at the annual general meeting, notification of attendance should be made to the company no later than Monday, June 10, 2024, by mail to Skawen Holding AB (publ), “Annual General Meeting,” c/o Katalysen Ventures AB (publ), Birger Jarlsgatan 22, 114 34 Stockholm, or by email to When registering, shareholders should provide their name, personal or corporate identity number, address, and telephone number. Shareholders represented by proxy should issue a dated and signed power of attorney for the proxy. The original power of attorney and, for legal entities, a certified copy of the registration certificate should be sent to the Company well in advance of the meeting to the following address:
Skawen Holding AB (publ), “Annual General Meeting,” c/o Katalysen Ventures AB (publ), Birger Jarlsgatan 22, 114 34 Stockholm.